Wednesday, May 9, 2007

spiritual trek: how to hike the mountain of sky-high thighs

life is indeed fragile, but the joy comes from its continuity. there is a persistent , beastial need to breed that overwhelms most all creatures during their time on this plane. thankfully, this habit ensures that we will forever be a presence to control the animal kingdom, natural resources and iraq (hah). i, personally, am a firm believer in sex, death and rebirth; Hinduism, Buddhism and the general recycling of energy. i believe that this form we recognize to be human is but a shell harboring a vessel of greater and sexless magnitude. we exist because of the cosmic energy that we each maintain. due to the fact that life indeed sucks, this belief system gives me a grim hope that death is only a demarcation of the souls movement to a higher evolutionary spot.

what is truly tragic is that we don't know how many times our souls must reincarnate before reaching the highly boasted, spiritual nirvana that buddha and krishna had their panties in a twist over. nevertheless, swathe these beliefs of reincarnation with the scientific rationale of quantum physics and its multidimensional-every moment is in constant repitition- and energy and time become an illusion created to bind us to this reality. binding us to feelings of repression, angst, anxiety, anger, jealousy and sorrow. in my humble, young, vaguely educated opinion i have only come to one profound conclusion (and i had it seared into my body in the form of stylish mandarin characters): LIFE IN MOTION. ya' just gotta keep on moving, keep on doing, keep on being and make each seemingly trivial or painful moment an amplification of memorable beauty. carpe fucking diem

1 comment:

Ren said...

Your soul was created by God, sealed in breath and given to you as a gift; to be cherished and treasured and taken care of. Seek TRUTH.

Aunty Wrenne